03 November 2006

Friday - Ol' Beardy Face

Gareth and Dan are going to have a beard growing competition. They've asked Ted and me to join in but I've had to turn them down citing earlier gf statements that she wouldn't kiss me when I had a bit of stubbley growth on my chin. Ted doesn't want to look like Santa Claus's anorexic younger brother so he's also turned them down.

"I can feel it itching already, " said Dan stoking his cheeks. "I don't know if I can keep this up."

Kate, eager to please, chased up her system enhancements document, that was currently buried beneath a mountain of invoices on Anne's desk. I glanced towards Anne's cave, where she prowled like a hungry bear with a hangover. The dark clouds above her alcove did not bode well and I didn't want to be the person to be prodding her with a short stick.

Kate looked at me expectantly.
"I'll go and see if Anne's reviewed it yet," I said bravely

I peered over the partition and asked Anne in my most inoffensive tone, whether she'd looked at Kate's document.

At first she appeared to be taken aback and didn't remember the document I was referring to.

"I know. Yes. There's some detail missing from it," She said.

"What's that?"

"I need a cost/savings analysis."

"That's already in the report."

Anne blinked in surprise before regaining her composure.

"No." She said firmly as if I was the one who wasn't listening. "I need more detail." She said.

"Sorry, what detail?"

"I've got some telephone conferences to attend. Can we discuss this Monday?" She answered.

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