11 September 2006

Monday - The 'M' word

Dan's smelly stalker has left the building after one very honest phone call to the Agency. The girl on the end of the line seemed resigned to the fact that Sue was incapable of keeping hold of temporary work with an indefinite finish date.

I told her that "She wasn't really suited to our working environment."

The agency girl just sighed and said "Did you have to talk to her about her hygiene? I keep telling her about this."

I've now provided Anne with a list of Sue's duties as she requested in readiness for the next temp to stand before the firing line. That didn't stop Gary - now officially signed to PROJECTS - from approaching me while he crossed the last of his Customer Service Team tasks from his 'to do list' to request the same information for Anne. I politely explained that I'd already emailed this information to her, to which Gary suggested that I give it to him again just in case.

After giving him the info (again) we chatted about his new role.

He is now a New Markets Business Project Manager.

How easily the M word is thrown at job titles. All my friends are managers of various degrees. Even the man who cleans the toilets is referred to in his job description as Bathroom Hygiene Manager.

Its strange how something as superficial and meaningless as the semantics of a title can mean so much to people. If only the Peasants in the Wat Tyler Revolt had been given the job description of 'Earth Production Managers' then maybe history would have been slightly different.

Anne, of course believes the opposite, and is keen to make sure that our staff have titles that accurately reflect their lowly status in the food chain.

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