14 September 2006

Thursday - Conspiracy Theory

Gareth's being paranoid again. Several times today he's claimed that the reason the company is cracking down on absenteeism is to find reasons to sack people so that they don't have to pay out as much on redundancy when they make us all redundant. Which Gareth claims is imminent.

He's also told Ted that he should be worried as the new age discrimination laws come in soon and the company may decide to retire him before he can sue.

I challenged him immediately on this.

"So why would the CEO tell you all of this instead of his department heads and managers?"

Gareth shuffled off with his tail between his legs.

I may think the company is a lot of things, but I don't believe in this amoral corporate entity. It's too ineffective for that. I think that people judge others by their own standards.

Later Jo booked Friday afternoon off. Her fifteenth this year. She has to prepare for her weekend on the town. Unfortunately Anne noticed. She's already made comment of the fact that she doesn't like staff taking odd days here and there.

"The staff handbook says that staff should take a least one two week holiday a year," She said.

"Because it insists on staff having a full break to recharge," I said.

"No. It's actually so that we can find out if anyone is defrauding the company. You can check what people are up to when they've been off for a long time. Staff who are committing fraud usually don't take any time off to cover their tracks. My source in HR told me this."

"Really? " I said. "HR told you that?"

"Yes. " Anne said.

"HR told you that this is recommended in the staff handbook to cut down on fraud?"

"Yes," she said again. "But not openly. Not as such. But I can read between the lines. I know what they really meant." Anne said with a sly nudge.

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