05 September 2006

Tuesday - Women Scorned

Kate sat with Jo at lunchtime and helped her to trawl through Jo's drawer of celebrity gossip magazines for cheating liars. Every paparazzi'd photo of male stardom was categorised either as a Bastard, Prat or 'probably up to something, just hasn't been caught yet'. A month ago they would have been drooling over Jude Law, David Beckham and Ewan MacGregor - now the stars faced the unflinching judicial scrutiny of Dave's cast offs. How unforgiving the memory of women.

"Of course it it had been the other way around , it would have still been the man's fault," I said standing up for my gender where Dan, Ted and Gareth wouldn't dare.

They just flicked me a look that would have had Medusa green with envy.


Anne has had enough of Sue the Smelly Temp with a Dan fixation. She's called the agency and told them that her services are no longer required and then asked me for a list of her daily tasks so that we can cover her work when she goes. I handed her the full roster of Sue's duties.

"Is that it? That's all she does? Are you sure you haven't missed anything? You are a man after all. I would expect it," She said in a condescending way that was her idea of a joke.

"You woman are all the same," I said in a playful mood. "Always generalising!"

Anne cast me a stoney look that clearly indicated I'd just stepped over the line.

I can't wait to get home to the gf tonight!

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