06 April 2006

Thursday - Perception is Reality

Emma - Jez's temp filing clerk - asked me for work this morning. I started to explain that I wasn't her team leader but then Jez wasn't at his desk and she had nothing to do. I handed her some of Dan's long forgotten faxes. Suddenly he seemed much more interested in them.

Jez was standing in Anne's cave in conversation. He laughed with her, sharing a joke as if she were his best buddy and they were at the bar of the Squire and Bumpkin. I wandered over lazily. They both stopped their chat when they noticed me hovering at the border of her territory. Call me paranoid if you will but this made me even more suspicious.

'I've got this weeks time sheets for the temps,' I said as an excuse. AS motioned for me to deposit them on her desk.

'Jo was late in again today,' said Jez with the precision and timing of an satellite-guided smart bomb. 'She said that you knew about it. She had an appointment. Dentists or doctors I think,'

'Yes.' I lied. 'Dentists. Quarterly check up. She asked me yesterday,' I lied yet again. I would deal with Jo in my own time when they weren't around.

I'm not one to play the game but if Jez was going to serve an Ace in my direction, then I was going to bat it right back at him.

"The new temp hasn't got any work," I volleyed back to him and awaited his return.

Jez tutted and Anne rolled her eyes.

"She hasn't?" He said. "Don't worry then," He sighed. "I'LL sort it out for you. I've got some things she can be getting on with if you don't have anything.'

Anne looked on in disdain as Jez went to gather Emma up.

A little voice inside me cried out - 'But she's not my temp! She's not my responsibility!' But even in my own head no-one was listening.

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