13 April 2006

Thursday - Throne rooms

Thank god it's the bank holiday weekend. I've got 4 days off yet already I'm starting to dread that Monday morning feeling.

It looks like Gary's been a bit put out by the size of Jez's throne room. Only Anne has a bigger one and there's a bit of a 'Civilisation' style battle for territory going on at the moment. Gary's defensive tactic has been to add some pedestals to his domain as all the free desks have been commandeered by Jez in his battle for office supremacy. Even Anne has added an extra filing cabinet to her cave to keep the lead in distance.

The new buzz-phrase this week has been 'improving customer experience' and as part of the 'Shooting you up the Arse' strategy this has meant getting the executives to log every minute of their work on a printed word document. The other brilliant idea has been a staff reshuffle. We knew that this has been on the cards as AS has been ranting about it for weeks but has never instructed anyone to do it.

Jez had sloped off with Gary and I tracked them down in Meeting Room 2. They were both planning the department reshuffle alone.

"Surely I need to be involved as well," I told them when I found them. "Jez is a team leader. I am too. Surely I should have some say in what happens?"

They looked at each other, complicit in their plans but caught in the act. They motioned for me to join them. I took a seat at the table and then remembered: "Tracey needs to be part of this as well," They sighed as I got her to join us.

They'd already made a quite a start on the plan before their discovery and already it had appeared that Jez was building his own supersized empire of wonder-executives leaving Tracey and me with the remaining dribbles of the department. After much debate both Tracey and I clawed back some balance across the teams and we took our plans up to Anne.

She mulled over the proposal for a second before crossing through the entire plan with a sweep of her pen.

"Kate goes to Jez. That's all we need for now," was all she said.

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