04 April 2006

Tuesday - The Troubleshooter

Following Anne's day in the sunshine of Des's 'Shooting you up the Arse' strategy, she's back to her usual self today.

Her team leaders - Jez, Tracey and I are summoned to her cubicle for a quick announcement. She tells us that someone is needed to fill the gap between us and her. Jez's response is immediate. He sits up ramrod straight like a meerkat only to be picked off by Annes vulture like talons.

'I've recruited someone to take this troubleshooting role and support me. He's starting next Monday,' She says. 'I can't spend every second of my time mollycoddling you all. I've got more important things to be dealing with.'

We leave deflated, demotivated and dejected. When I return to the team, Dan and Gareth are in the middle of a water cooler stand-off. There is a pile of plastic cups the size of the EU butter mountain on their desks. Gareth's legs are juddering frantically under his desk. 'They're seeing how long they can last before they have to go to the toilet,' Jo says as explanation.

Later AS comes over to complain about Jez's new admin clerk that I showed around yesterday. 'Are you responsible for her? She has been on a personal call for 20 minutes. Sort it out. Explain the house rules to her,' Jez is nowhere to be seen so I deal with it.

'I'll be so glad when the new guy starts,' announce AS loudly when she returns to her hole.

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