11 May 2006

Wednesday - Delegation, Delegation, Delegation

I'm deterined not to let the impossible priorities set by Anne defeat me. I've been working longer hours and I've delegated MD complaints to Ted, Timesheet reviews to Gareth and Jo and Dan's been collating data for the MD reports. I've kept back QC'ing for myself - I'm such a lucky bloke!

Of course even though priorities had been agreed in yesterday's meeting, Anne still found the need to dump more urgent tasks on me. In her words 'This happens. Other things will come in and be moved up the order of priorities.' But she still needs everything else done as well. Then the inevitable happens and a customer is inconsiderate enough to call the customer service department to get some service, as if we're there to attend to the needs of our customers rather than Anne's! The team is busy and I don't want to disrupt the flow of meeting with our objectives. The QC's can wait so I end up taking the call. Suddenly everything appears to have been turned upside down and I'm doing the team's work and they mine. Still. What else can you do?

Dave made a nuisance of himself again in the pod. He was showing off to Jo - again, and I shooed him away.

"Nah. Nah. I was only torking abawt work," He said in his defence. "By the way, I woz wundern'. I like a good roast dinner. Don't you? I bet you like your meat and two veg?" He said to me.

"You're not going to have a meat and two veg if you stay around here any longer," was enough to persuade him to exit the department with his tail between his legs.

Dan seemed to be a bit distant unlike his normal effervescent self. I think he doesn't like being called monkey boy.

"That Dave," I said. "Who does he think he is?"

"Well he thinks he looks like Robbie Williams," said Dan.

"What. With that amount of acne?" I said.

"And those teeth?" said Ted.

"He hasn't got any mirrors in his house then, has he?" said Gareth.

Jo leapt to Dave's defence. "He's all right. He's funny. I like him," She said.

"You like anyone who pays you a little attention," said Dan.

"That's not entirely true," Jo replied. "I didn't like you!"

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