24 May 2006

Wednesday - Wax on, Wax off part two

Ted taught me all about prioritisation today. According to Ted I should prioritise tasks not in order of importance or urgency but by the seniority of the person requesting the work. For example; anything Anne requests, no matter how trivial or unimportant, goes right to the top of the to-do list. The next in line is Jez and then Gary.

"But surely Gary is senior to Jez?" I asked Ted.

"He is but Gary won't go running to Anne when something he's asked for hasn't been done," said Ted. "Seniority is important but don't forget the HWSL factor."


"He who shouts loudest," Ted explained. "Who's going to make your life more uncomfortable? You need to appease them. Just pretend that you're feeding a hungry lion to stop it from eating you,"

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